#Cassat50: Anna Iozzino, 1994

annaAnna Iozzino studied MSc Business Studies at Cass, graduating in 1994. We caught up with her for the second in our new #Cassat50 series, celebrating alumni from the past 50 years of the Business School.

Why did you come to Cass?

I studied at Cass as exchange student within ERASMUS program. I wanted to specialise in financial subjects and deepen my experience in that field. Cass, located in the city of London and close to main financial institutions, had a solid reputation and provided me the possibility to focus on a broad range of financial matters, together with the possibility to study additional subjects that could strengthen my general education.

What was your experience of studying at Cass?

During the entire duration of my program I was supported by tutors and professors, who stimulated me to deepen some issues that were later useful for my job. Case studies and teamwork gave me the opportunity to exchange experiences and create positive relationships with other students, bringing my best contribution to the various teams in which I took part.

The University library, with its rich and updated catalogue and resources, was not only the place of my research and study, but also a place where to meet other students and collaborate with them.

After my graduation my connection with Cass continued as its career office supported me with assistance and orientation for my placement in the business world. And I am happy to still carry on this relationship with the University through Cass Alumni community and student network.

What is your favourite memory from your time at Cass?

I have good memories of people I met, they were all very supportive, both professors and students, and of the stimulating time we spent together in classrooms and in recreational events, like the University final gala dinner and ball.

I still have a real and deep friendship with some students, and sometimes we meet and spend time together in spite of the distance.

How did studying at Cass change your life?

Studying at Cass has enriched me in different ways. It was a valuable experience at a personal level, because it opened my mind and has let me become a more mature person, with a good sense of initiative. It also gave me the opportunity to live and study in a multicultural, dynamic environment, among students and professors of all nationalities.

On the academic and business level, it represented my first real exciting opportunity to meet operators from the financial world and to focus on my favourite field of study. I had the opportunity to experience a method of learning that was completely new for me, because it was a combination of theoretic knowledge and practical experience on the field. The knowledge, skills and network I developed at Cass helped me in my job interviews and gave me good chances of success in my career.