Reconnecting with City and Bayes alumni at receptions in Beijing and Shanghai

In March, City and Bayes returned to China for the first time in four years for two alumni receptions. Over 300 alumni, prospective students, guests and staff attended events in Beijing and Shanghai hosted by Professors Juliet John, Vice-President (Education), and André Spicer, Executive Dean, Bayes Business School. Both events also featured a talk from Professor Feng Li, Associate Dean, Research & Innovation and Chair of Information Management, on ‘Transforming Organisations through AI: Navigating the Future of Business’.

Alumni at the Shanghai Reception, 25 March 2024

Professors John and Spicer shared updates from City and Bayes, recent successes and achievements in rankings as well as the latest on-campus developments, including the recently confirmed merger with St George’s, the new Business School building at Finsbury Square and the opening of the Bayes Alumni Lounge.

Professor John shared, “We were excited to be back in China for the first time since the pandemic and alumni were clearly delighted to see us there for two wonderful alumni events in Beijing and Shanghai at the magnificent Peninsula Hotel. Our alumni and alumni volunteers have been doing some incredible things and showed all the best attributes of City graduates. I enjoyed great conversations and look forward to continuing them!”

Karen Lippoldt, Head of Alumni & Supporter Relations (left) with alumni at the Beijing reception, 22 March 2024

Another highlight of the events was the presentation of Certificates of Recognition for our Alumni Ambassadors and most active alumni volunteers. “It was such a pleasure and an honour for us to reconnect with our alumni in China, and to thank and recognise our wonderful Alumni Ambassadors and volunteers for all their time, energy and work for the benefit of the alumni community in China and for City and Bayes Business School. We are immensely grateful for what they do,” said Karen Lippoldt, Head of Alumni & Supporter Relations.

The receptions offered ample opportunities for alumni to renew acquaintances and make new ones over networking drinks and a wonderful buffet dinner.


Useful links

 Prof Feng Li: ‘Transforming Organisations through AI: Navigating the Future of Business’ (pdf)

The Beijing photo album

The Shanghai photo album