Message from City President, Professor Sir Anthony Finkelstein

I am always delighted to be in touch with our alumni and share some excitingPhoto of President Professor Sir Anthony Finkelstein. updates from your University.

Not long now until we will be called ‘City St George’s, University of London’. Work is progressing at pace to meet our 1st August target to complete the merger with St George’s, University of London. St George’s brings to us a world-class Medical School and substantially augments our allied health and science capabilities. We will be a significantly larger institution generating opportunity and with significant capacity to drive change in health, medicine and beyond. Ultimately, it will extend our reach, add to City’s reputation and multidisciplinary strength, and generate opportunities for our global alumni community.


I am proud to be leading City at this important point in our development, reflecting our ambition. I hope the merger and our drive and dedication to excellence it represents, is a source of pride and inspiration for you, our alumni, too.

We continue to build City’s reputation, and this is showing up in the 2025 ‘league tables’. Whilst I do not take the tables themselves entirely seriously, I value the achievements that have led to our strong performance. A key factor for this improvement was City’s excellent result in the most recent National Student Survey (NSS), in which the university was ranked as one of the top 10 universities in the UK across six subject areas. Our strong performance in the Research Excellence Framework (REF) continues to deliver benefits. Gratifyingly St George’s too has seen significant improvement!

On campus, it is the time of year when we prepare for our graduation ceremonies celebrating the achievements of our graduating students and welcoming them to City’s global alumni network. I couldn’t be prouder of the hard work, talent and commitment our about-to-become alumni have brought to their studies and our university. We also recognise and celebrate the contributions and support given to our students by their families, friends, City staff, and you, our alumni. Be it in a volunteering or philanthropic capacity, I am grateful for the opportunities your commitment to City creates for our students and new alumni as they venture into their lives and careers after university. Thank you!

Enjoy reading this edition of Alumni News and have a great summer!

Best wishes,



City, University of London