Four Bayes Business School students recently helped to support a charity through the Advanced Management Practice Module. The students were tasked with helping the charity to build a market research overview of careers provisions in schools and colleges in Wales, business support for such work, and to understand the scope for potential collaboration with other organisations/charities.
Working Options in Education is the nationwide charity that helps young people to know all their options to find their career.
Susanna Plummer Marketing Manager at Working Options in Education said “we suggested an ambitious student consultancy project to them…. and my goodness did they take that challenge and excel!
The students did a phenomenal job, going over and above on what was originally asked to create a report that is informing our operations already.”
Could you help to further support Working Options? They are looking for volunteers between 3-10 years into their careers to self-record a TikTok for them on your real-life career story. They can give a coaching session, and a how-to video, as well as help you to decide on your topic.
If you’d like to find out more, please, contact Susanna Plummer: susanna@workingoptions.org.uk