Category: City Alumni Stories

Deadly Sacrifice – The result of perseverance

Stella Oni next to the cover of her book.

Stella Oni (Information Systems and Technology, 2000) knew in her late 20’s that she wanted to write  literary fiction, but life events and rejections got in the way. However, a short course at City sparked the idea for her debut crime novel Deadly Sacrifice, which got published last year and was Audible’s Crime Thriller of…Continue Reading Deadly Sacrifice – The result of perseverance

Risk, truth, guts, and resilience – To be a journalist

Thanos gives a speech from a podium. A woman stands next to him.

Thanos Dimadis (Media and Communications, 2010) learned first-hand the risks of working as a journalist and holding political powers to account, an experience he recounts in his latest book. He gives his education at City, University of London credit for the knowledge and resilience that helped him win the fight. Thanos Dimadis, President of the…Continue Reading Risk, truth, guts, and resilience – To be a journalist

Artificial Intelligence – Beneficial opportunity or a threat?  

In his latest book, George Zarkadakis (PhD, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 1990) questions the current state of our democracy and economy, and how AI can either help to reform it to benefit our voices as citizens or assist in our downfall.   Although three-time City alumnus George Zarkadakis trained as an engineer and works as…Continue Reading Artificial Intelligence – Beneficial opportunity or a threat?  

A New Index for Happiness

Money doesn’t necessarily make you happy but working at the Bank of England deepened Elliot Jones’ (Economics with Integrated Professional Training, 2017) interest in happiness. He’s now founder and editor of Exploring Happiness and has just launched a Happiness Index. “I think happiness struck such a strong chord with me because it can be applied…Continue Reading A New Index for Happiness

Expensive childcare turned Cheryl Luzet into a CEO

“We have come so far with promoting the world of work to women, but I feel like there is still much more to do.” Cheryl Luzet (Electronic Publishing, 2005) was recently named one of UK’s 100 most inspirational female entrepreneurs by Small Business Britain’s f:Entrepreneur for her business acumen and work in the local community. When childcare for…Continue Reading Expensive childcare turned Cheryl Luzet into a CEO

Award-Winning Journalist Wanted to Capture Compassion

 “I went into the hospital knowing this illness kills loved ones; this illness breaks hearts. But I also went in knowing how important it is to report from the frontline.” Camera journalist Harriet Bradshaw (Broadcast Journalism, 2011) spent 2020 reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic with BBC Health Editor Hugh Pym. Together with her team, she…Continue Reading Award-Winning Journalist Wanted to Capture Compassion

Cultural Appreciation

Miyuki Seguchi was born and raised in Japan. But it wasn’t until she returned after completing a Masters in Financial Journalism (2011) that she started to appreciate its wonder. Armed with her journalism experience and now also a qualification in tourism, Miyuki has created a podcast, Japan Experts, to share her reaffirmed love of Japanese…Continue Reading Cultural Appreciation

Ode to a Grecian Alumna

A finalist in the 2020 British Council Alumni Awards in Greece, Sophia Peloponnissiou’s (Museum and Gallery management, 2000) contribution to art and culture is more than noteworthy. Having set up the largely voluntary Katakouzenos House Museum, Sophia is on a mission to ‘revive a mid-20th century Athenian house and turn it from a residential venue…Continue Reading Ode to a Grecian Alumna