So much sunshine, it’s unnatural. Spend your time inside on your computer or phone like a proper person.
The Rosemary Hollis Essay Prize, 2021
*Extended* 21 June, 2021
Students in the School of Arts and Social Sciences are invited to submit an essay on ‘Encounters in and between the West and the Middle East’.
This new competition is being run for the first time in memory of Rosemary Hollis (1952-2020), former Professor of Middle East Policy Studies and Director of the Olive Tree Programme at City, as we approach one year since losing her.
A distinguished political scientist, inspiring teacher, and former Head of the Middle East Programme at Chatham House, she was a world-renowned commentator and author of Middle Eastern affairs, both in regard to internal regional dynamics and concerning EU, British and US involvement.
Her last book, Surviving the Story: The Narrative Trap in Israel and Palestine(2019), is not just another analysis of the peace process but is a reflection on the journey of mutual understanding and future vision to which herself and the young people of the Olive Tree committed their hearts and intellects.
The competition is open to students in every department—so whether or not the study of the Middle East is part of your course, please consider entering if it is a region in which you are interested. You can write a fresh piece, or you are also allowed to submit relevant essays that you might have produced in the course of the year for particular modules at City.
The judges will be looking for originality of argument supported by sound evidence. As the Times said its obituary of the scholar in whose memory this competition has been started, ‘Hollis was direct, driven and no-nonsense.’
There will be separate prizes for undergraduate and postgraduate students, with £100 given for the best essay, and £50 second prize, in each category. Prizes will be given in retail vouchers.
Essays should be 2,000 words in length, not including bibliography, written in 12 point Times New Roman, and submitted as a Microsoft Word document or pdf. Email to
The closing date for entries has been extended to the 21 June 2021.
Winners will be announced towards the end of summer term.
Beyond the Virus: Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives on Inequalities raised by COVID-19: Work-in-Progress Symposium
This work-in-progress symposium brings together the contributors for the forthcoming edited collection with Bristol University Press (BUP), due to be published in 2022 under the Bristol Studies in Law and Social Justice series, tentatively entitled “Beyond the Virus: Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives on Inequalities raised by COVID-19” edited by Dr Sabrina Germain and Dr Adrienne Yong at The City Law School. Presentations will be based on chapters to the edited collection by each contributor.
Dr. Gwilym David Blunt of the Department of International Politics will be presenting on “Lockdowns and Liberties”.
All welcome!
Student Union Impact Awards: Excellence in the Department of International Politics
The Department of International Politics has done very well in this year’s Student Union Impact Awards!
In the online ceremony students Gursimran Hans and Mohammed Noor were honoured for their efforts in support their peers and building our community! Well done indeed!
Academic staff were also honoured: Dr. Lise Butler, Dr. Sandy Hager, Dr. Mustafa Kutlay, Dr. Jeppe Mulich, Dr. Amin Samman, and Dr. Koen Slootmaeckers!
You can watch the ceremony video here!
It’s a real honour have such dedicated students and colleagues. A big round of applause from all of us here at the City Politics Blog.
On a related note, Dr. Gwilym David Blunt was shortlisted for a City Heroes Award. He says “I feel like Adam Sandler being nominated for an acting award against Meryl Streep and Tilda Swinton: confused but happy to be here.”
Become a CityBuddy Mentor
Starting university is an exciting and enjoyable time. However, it can also be worrying for new students, which is where CityBuddies comes in. A CityBuddy is a second- or third-year undergraduate, who will mentor a first-year student from the same course during their first term.
Sophia Aleem, a BSc International Politics student, was a CityBuddy to first-year student Fabiola Quartana.
Sophia said: “I loved being part of the CityBuddy scheme. It felt good to be able to share my experience and help someone. I gave Fabiola all the information I wish someone had told me in my first year.”
And Fabiola said: “Sophia was very supportive and gave me the confidence I needed to complete my first assignment and hand it in on time. It was really reassuring to have someone there who had already gone through the process. I had a really good experience, and I made a friend.”
If you will still be an undergraduate student in September 2021, register now to be a CityBuddy Mentor. You will give new students a head-start in their first term by guiding them and showing all City has to offer, while providing valuable insight into your own experience of studying on your course.
It’s a great way to build community and your CV!
Apply to become a mentor now!
The International System of Power Webinar
Student Spotlight: Call for Papers
If you are a City student in the Department of International Politics and have an excellent piece of coursework that you’d like to share with the world please send it to for consideration in our Student Spotlight!
- Coursework (written, video, or audio).
- 3000 words or less if written.
- Received a mark over 70 or, in the case of non-assessed work, referred by the module leader.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Welcome to Atia Khan, Associate Editor!
We are really happy to welcome aboard Atia Khan as our new Associate Editor!