Welcome Week 2021: Webinars, Good News, and Book Launches!

Hi and welcome to the City Politics Blog, where you can find out about events and activities related to the Department of International Politics at City, University of London!

It is the start of a new academic year and we have a wide array of activities that  will tantalise new and returning members of our community.

Have a look!

Webinar Series: General and Complete Disarmament

For more details and to register Here!

Good News: Dr. Stefano Pagliari Wins SER Best Article Prize!

The SER Best Article Prize committee considered all the reviewed papers for the 2020 issues of Socio-Economic Review, including symposia papers, but not state of the art, discussion or review forum papers.  The committee looked for papers that: 1) addressed substantive questions and issues that have far reaching implications and are of interest to a broad range of SER readers; 2) clearly and effectively engaged prior theory and research; 3) used state of the art research methods to analyze new or existing data sets in ways that either brought important new phenomena to light or substantially revised existing understanding of socio-economic facts, trends or relationships; and 4) were written with clarity, fluidity and readability. The committee is delighted to announce that the winning paper is “The Financialization of Policy Preferences: Financial Asset Ownership, Regulation and Crisis Management (Socio-Economic Review 18(3): 655–680), by Stefano Pagliari, Lauren M. Phillips, and Kevin L. Young.

Webinar: Federalism in a Global Perspective

Register Here!

Book Launch: Israeli Foreign Policy Since the End of the Cold War

Date: Wed, 13 October, 20:00 – 21:15 London Time via Zoom

More details and how to register can be found Here!

Speakers: Dr. Amnon Aran, (City, UoL) in conversation with Anshel Pfeffer (Haaretz and The Economist).





Book Launch: International Relations in the Middle East: Hegemonic Strategies and Regional Order

Date: Thurs, 14 October at 17:00 London Time via Zoom

More details and how to register can be found Here!

Speaker: Dr Ewan Stein, The University of Edinburgh

Chair: Dr Amnon Aran, City, UoL


Webinar: Cynthia Enloe, ‘Feminist Analysts and Strategizers Inside Masculinized Organizations: Do They Matter?’


Date: Wed 20 October 2021 at 16:00-17:30pm (London time), via Zoom

More details and how to register can be found here.

Professor Cythia Enloe in conversation with Professor Inderjeet Parmar and PhD candidate, Mariah Loukou, will lead the session, as follows:

  • ‘Sit-down’ interview: 20min
  • Break: 10min
  • Lecture: 30min
  • Q&A: 20min

Good News! Dr. Tom Davies wins ARNOVA Outstanding Book in Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Research Award

Congrats to Dr. Thomas Davies for winning the ARNOVA Outstanding Book in Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Research Award for his edited volume “The Routledge Handbook of NGOS and International Relations“.

Read more about it here!


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