
The Collaborating in Pregnancy and Early Years (COPE) Project

Research output

Published articles

Moran, P., Coates, R., Ayers, S., Olander, E.K. & Bateson, K.J. (2022). Exploring interprofessional collaboration during the implementation of a parent-infant mental health service: A qualitative study. Journal of Interprofessional Care.

Olander, E.K., Aquino, M. R. J. & Bryar, R. (2020). Three perspectives on the co-location of maternity services: qualitative interviews with mothers, midwives and health visitors, Journal of Interprofessional Care. 

Olander, E. K., Aquino, M. R. J., Chhoa, C., Harris, E., Lee, S., & Bryar, R. (2019). Women’s views on contact with a health visitor during pregnancy: an interview study. Primary Health Care Research and Development,  20, e105. doi:10.1017/S146342361900046X This paper can be accessed for free here.

Olander, E. K., Aquino, M. R. J., Chhoa, C., Harris, E., Lee, S., & Bryar, R. M. (2019). Women’s views of continuity of information provided during and after pregnancy: A qualitative interview study. Health and Social Care in the Community, 27, 1214-23. doi:10.1111/hsc.12764

Aquino, M. R. J. V., Olander, E. K., & Bryar, R. M. (2018). A focus group study of women’s views and experiences of maternity care as delivered collaboratively by midwives and health visitors in England. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18(1), 505. This paper can be accessed for free here.

Olander, E., Coates, R., Brook, J., Ayers, S., & Salmon, D. (2018). A multi-method evaluation of interprofessional education for healthcare professionals caring for women during and after pregnancy. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 32(4), 509-512. 

Brook, J., Rayment, J., Bryar, R. M., & Olander, E. (2018). Midwifery students’ experiences in a health visiting placement: An interview study. Journal of Health Visiting, 6(11), 552-559. 

Olander, E. K., Rayment, J., Bryar, R., & Brook, J. (2018). Midwifery students in health visitor placements: the importance of student-mentor relationships. Midwifery, 62, 49-51. 

Aquino, M. R. J. V., Olander, E. K., Needle, J. J., & Bryar, R. M. (2016). Midwives’ and health visitors’ collaborative relationships: A systematic review of qualitative and quantitative studies. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 62, 193-206.

Newham, J. J., Roberts, H., Aquino, M. R. J., & Olander, E. K. (2016). Supporting early family life: The importance of public health programmes. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 34(3), 221-223. This editorial can be accessed for free here. 

Conference presentations

Olander, E.K., Aquino, M. R. J. V., Lorencatto, F. & Bryar, R. (December 2017). Working together: enablers and barriers to midwife-health visitor collaboration – A Theoretical Domains Framework interview study. Poster presentation at UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, Liverpool, England.

Olander, E. K., Aquino, M. R. J. V., Chhoa, C., Harris, E., Lee, S. & Bryar, R. M. (December 2016). New mothers’ views on continuity of care provided by midwives and health visitors. Oral presentation at the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine’s Annual Scientific Meeting, Cardiff, Wales.

Aquino, M. R. J. V., Olander, E. K., Needle, J. J., & Bryar, R. M. (September 2016). Enablers and barriers to midwife-health visitor collaboration: Findings from a systematic review. Oral presentation at the Global Network of Public Health Nursing Conference, Billund, Denmark.

Aquino, M. R. J. V., Olander, E. K., Needle, J. J., & Bryar, R. M. (December 2015). A systematic review of midwife-health visitor collaborative practices. Poster presentation at the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine’s Annual Scientific Meeting, Newcastle, England.

Invited presentations

Olander, E.K. (September 2018). Supporting women throughout the perinatal period: the collaboration between midwives and health visitors. School of Public Health, University College Cork, Ireland.

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