As part of the continuous tutorial that took place every week for the creation of the digital dossete box, we created user journeys according to the information we had about different possible users.
“Mrs Owen keeps the four medicines she takes every morning in their original bottles on top of the bread bin in the kitchen. Every evening she moves these bottles to the coffee table in her sitting room so that she will not forget to take them the following morning. After breakfast, she places them back on top of the bread bin.”
“Miss Holt has never married and lives alone in a third floor council flat close to shops and public transport. She has little family and describes herself as having no friends. She likes to get out and her diary indicated that on Mondays she goes to the launderette, on Tuesdays she gets the bus to the market and on Thursdays she goes by bus to collect her pension. Her sister phones every night at 9pm. She has only one regular medicine, Thyroxine, which she takes every morning. She has to take two of these tablets one day and just one the next. The rest of her medicines she uses as needed. Both the Aspirin and Paracetamol are for pain in her head, neck and shoulders. She thinks this problem is linked to the weather. She noted ‘low cloud, pain and discomfort’ on Days 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8. She takes the Aspirin if she is in a hurry and going out and the weather is affecting her pain. She takes the Paracetamol when she is staying in and there is heavy cloud. She doesn’t find this very effective however, and is afraid of getting addicted to it. The Lactulose she takes when required for constipation. She also says she has Gaviscon on prescription, the use of which is not recorded in her diary. She noted in her diary that she had a very bad night’s sleep on Days 2, 3, 12 and 14 when she was troubled with pain and wind.”
“Mrs Poole puts all of the tablets she needs each day in a plastic container with compartments for each day of the week. When there is only one full compartment left, she refills the entire week. She keeps this medicine container on her kitchen table so that she will not forget to take her tablets. She also finds this container very handy when she goes on holiday.”