The Gender and Sexualities Research Centre

City, University of London

Lia Litosseliti

Department of Health Sciences / Division of Language & Communication Science My research interests focus on gender and language/ discourse, including gendered workplaces; the discursive construction of gender identities; and the development of research methodologies, including for the study of gender and sexualities. In recent years, I have also become interested in global engagement as…

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GSRC Youtube Playlist

You can now watch recorded GSRC events and talks via our new YouTube playlist:

New Feminist Methods Series

We are happy to announce the start of our new GSRC series of events for this academic year: ‘Advanced feminist research methods and skills’. The series will comprise workshops and seminars on qualitative methods, with a particular focus on managing challenging interviews and having ‘difficult conversations’, conducting digital feminist ethnographies, engaging with the media, and…

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Reflections on ‘New directions in feminist thought’

Angela McRobbie Professor Angela McRobbie reflects on the event ‘New directions in feminist thought: in times of urgency, anger and activism’ held online on 10 November. This event for PhDs and ECRs was co-organised by the GSRC at City; the Centre for Feminist Research at Goldsmiths; and Media and Communications at the LSE It was…

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Laura Favaro in Women’s Periodicals and Print Culture in Britain

Laura Favaro has a recently published chapter, ‘Hey, here’s the new way’: Young Women’s Magazines in Times of the Web 3.0’ in Women’s Periodicals and Print Culture in Britain, 1940s-2000s The Postwar and Contemporary Period britain-1940s-2000s.html. This book draws attention to the wide range of postwar print cultures for women. The collection spans domestic,…

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Jo Littler & The Care Collective

Jo Littler is part of The Care Collective whose book The Care Manifesto is out now; recorded book launch is here:

Koen Slootmaeckers selected to co-chair at European Conference on Politics and Gender

Koen Slootmaeckers has been selected to co-Chair the Sexuality Politics section of the 2021 European Conference on Politics and Gender, 7th-9th July. Further conference details here:

Jess Simpson invited to join The Sex Work Research Hub

Jess Simpson has been invited to join The Sex Work Research Hub, a national co-ordination group working with a range of stakeholders (academics, practitioners, SU’s etc) which has produced this toolkit for universities about students and sex work:

Rosalind Gill speaking at the University of Arizona

Rosalind Gill has been invited as a Mellon Foundation visiting professor at the University of Arizona to speak at the annual Sawyer seminar which this year has the theme “Neoliberalism at the Neopopulist Crossroads”. The visit will be in September 2021

Rosalind Gill awarded the Ernest Athelstan James Fellowship at the University of Sydney

Ros has been awarded the Ernest Athelstan James Fellowship at the University of Sydney, and will spend a month working in Social and Political Sciences there in 2021. This is for ‘an outstanding researcher of international standing’ to be funded to spend time at the University.

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