Comic Spin

Comic Spin App


Use existing pictures and words to make your own new comic.

Comic Spin offers an accessible way for anyone to create comics.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Choose the number of panels

iPad screenshot: central row of 3 blue boxes, numbered 1-3, L-R. Box 3 is framed in grey to show it has been selected. Title text at top of screen: “Choose number of panels”

  1. Choose themes for your comic

iPad screenshot: 2 rows of three coloured boxes. Each box contains 3-4 smaller comic-style images. Title text at top of screen: “Choose themes”

  1. Spin the wheels to select images and captions.

iPad screenshot: central row of three vertically-scrollable image wheels. Each shows one comic-style image in focus. Title text at top of screen: “Scroll to make a comic”

4. View and save your complete comic.

iPad screenshot: one row of comic-style images – presented as a three panel comic strip. Short captions are shown beneath each image. Title text at top of screen: “Your comic!”

Comic Spin was co-designed by and for people with aphasia. It can be used by anyone who wants to create comics

Comic Spin Research:

Carla Tamburro, Timothy Neate, Abi Roper, Stephanie Wilson. Accessible Creativity with a Comic Spin. ASSETS 2020 Submission, October 26–28, Online

  • Three panel stick figure comic strip. Panel 1: two people facing each other with love hearts for eyes above the caption “What?”. Panel 2: person wearing a party hat against a multicoloured psychedelic background above the caption “Surprise!”. Panel 3: two people dancing and having a beer above the caption “Shots! Shots! Shots!”.