
MakeWrite App

Use existing text to make your own new piece of creative writing in four simple stages: choose, erase, arrange and share.

MakeWrite offers an accessible way for anyone to create and share texts.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Choose > Select a piece of writing to use as your starting point – either from the choose screen or pasted from your iPad’s clipboard.
  1. Erase > Automatically erase most words from the text to reveal a small set of words for you to work with. Adjust the settings and re-run the erase step until you find a set of words you are happy with.
  1. Arrange > Arrange the remaining words to make a new piece of writing.

4. Share > Share your creation with others via the apps on your iPad.

Click here to Download MakeWrite for iPad

MakeWrite was co-designed by and for people with aphasia. It can be used by anyone who wants to play with language.

MakeWrite Research:

Timothy Neate, Abi Roper, Stephanie Wilson, Jane Marshall. Empowering Expression for Users with Aphasia through Constrained Creativity. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2019DOI:

MakeWrite Poetry

  • MakeWrite text: We'd found love famished in the wild / famished because love fled