22nd January 12.30 – 13.45
As part of the Growing Access to Lecture cApture (GALA) project, City is currently expanding provision of lecture capture facilities to all centrally timetabled learning spaces and updating the existing lecture capture policy. We have suggested two articles that consider the role of lecture capture from the perspectives of the students and the lecturers. The readings are provided below:
Nordmann, E., & McGeorge, P. (2018, May 1). Lecture capture in higher education: time to learn from the learners. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ux29v
Joseph-Richard, P., Jessop, T., Okafor, G., Almpanis, T. & Price, D. (2018). Big brother or harbinger of best practice: Can lecture capture actually improve teaching? British Educational Research Journal, 44 (3), pp. 377-392. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Paul_Joseph_Richard/publication/324578306_Big_brother_or_harbinger_of_best_practice_Can_lecture_capture_actually_improve_teaching/links/5b1eb984a6fdcc69745bed74/Big-brother-or-harbinger-of-best-practice-Can-lecture-capture-actually-improve-teaching.pdf
To help us with the discussion here are some questions you might like to consider when reading the article:
- What was the purpose of the research and were the research questions/hypothesis clear?
- Does the literature review seem thorough and draw on recent literature related to the
research problem? - Is there a theoretical or conceptual model for the research?
- Is there reference to ethical approval for the study?
- Was there a clear discussion of how the sample was chosen and the representativeness of the sample to the population as well as details of recruitment?
- Is the research methodology clearly indicated alongside the data collection tools?
- Is the analysis of the data clearly outlined?
- Were the findings clearly presented and discussed?
- Were any limitations for the study indicated?
- What are the implications of the research for practice? What are the implications of the research for our new lecture capture policy at City?
- Has further research been indicated?