Daily Archives: July 18, 2014

Georgia Rodgers awarded Mercers’ Prize

georgia-17aplwtPhD student Georgia Rodgers has been awarded the Mercers’ Prize for 2013-14.

Georgia specialises in music composed for acoustic instrument and electronics, with a particular interest in the perception of sound and the human experience of listening. She is interested in using electronic techniques as a ‘sonic microscope’, helping us to hear musical instruments in new ways. She is in the second year of a PhD in Music Composition at City University, studying under the supervision of Dr Newton Armstrong.

Earlier this year Georgia won a place on the Sound and Music Higher Education Programme, a scheme which provides twelve young composers with an opportunity to work with the London Sinfonietta and soloists. Her new work will be premiered at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival in November.

The Mercers’ Company is the Premier Livery Company in the City of London.  The company and its associated charitable trusts make substantial grants to support education, general welfare, church and faith and arts and heritage. More information can be found here: http://www.mercers.co.uk.