As a PhD student at City, you’ve been subscribed to this new blog, aimed at any PhD students who are teaching or interested in teaching in the future. I hope you’ll find the content and ideas useful – the blog will be added to on a regular basis.
I’d also like to hear from you, so there’s a specific ‘ideas and questions’ section where you can share your thoughts and reflections about teaching, your ideas and suggestions about things that have worked well, and also ask any questions that you might have about teaching, or for feedback on something that didn’t go so well. If you’d like to contribute to this, please email me (jessica.hancock@city.ac.uk) and I can add you as a contributor. Or, if you’d like to stay anonymous, you can email me and I can post on your behalf.
If you’re not interested in the blog, you can unsubscribe and then you won’t hear from me again!
Jessica, Lecturer in Educational Development, LEaD