New European Social Survey data available
The first edition of data and documentation for European Social Survey (ESS) Round 8 (2016) was published earlier this week (Tuesday 31 October).
It means that data from the eighth iteration of the survey is now available from 18 of the 24 countries who undertook fieldwork in 2016.
The 18 countries included in this initial release are: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Data from the remaining six countries who took part in Round 8 is expected to be included in the second data release, scheduled for publication in May 2018. Post stratification weights for all countries will be made available at that time.
Round 8 of the ESS included questions asked in every round since 2002 on topics including crime, democracy and politics, human values, immigration, media consumption, national and ethnic identity, perceived discrimination, religion, social exclusion, social trust/trust in institutions, subjective wellbeing and socio-demographics.
The 2016 data set also includes attitudinal data collected on two rotating modules that were partly designed for inclusion by multi-national teams of external researchers in collaboration with the ESS Core Scientific Team.
Welfare attitudes were explored during Round 8 (2016) of the survey in a module that was originally fielded in Round 4 (2008).
The repeat module was designed by a team led by Wim van Oorschot and Bart Meuleman based at the University of Leuven, Belgium, in collaboration with the ESS.
The new data offers an insight into public attitudes towards welfare either side of the economic crisis, allowing academics to study the consequences on welfare attitudes of a deep economic downturn.
It includes new items added to the 2008 questionnaire on the future of welfare, including an item on the introduction of a universal basic income.
A completely new module of questions was also included measuring public attitudes towards climate change and energy.
The module covers beliefs on climate change, concerns about climate change and energy security, personal norms, efficacy and trust and energy preferences.
Round 8 data on this subject should offer an insight into European perceptions of climate change for the first time in the history of the ESS.
The climate change and energy module was partly designed by a team of European academics led by Wouter Poortinga of Cardiff University, UK.
The release also includes data from the Interviewer’s questionnaire, and Media Claims data for Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Download the first edition of Round 8 data
View or download ESS data using the Online Analysis tool
Questionnaire design templates for both rotating modules and new core items are also available