Registration opens for ESS Conference 2019
Online registration for the 4th International European Social Survey (ESS) Conference – being held at the University of Mannheim (Germany) during April 2019 – is now open.
Participants can register to attend the conference at a reduced price of €250 if they book their place before 28 February 2019.
The Conference – Turbulent times in Europe: Instability, insecurity and inequality – will showcase research that uses data from the ESS on 15-17 April 2019.
30 parallel sessions will be held over the three days, on a range of topics including climate change, democracy and political participation, immigration, social inequality, survey methods and welfare.
150 papers and two keynote speeches are due to be delivered at the conference and the €1,000 Jowell-Kaase Early Career Researcher Prize winner will be announced.
The cost of registration also includes a welcome reception, conference dinner, two lunches, coffee breaks and free access to the official ESS Conference app.
The welcome reception is taking place on Monday 15 April 2019 at the Mannheim Baroque Palace whilst the conference dinner will be held at Eichbaum Brauhaus the following evening (Tuesday 16 April 2019).
Keynote speeches will be delivered by Lars Lyberg – who will discuss data quality in the ESS and other comparative surveys – and Francesca Borgonovi of the OECD who will focus on research into education, migration and gender.
Lyberg is former Head of the Research and Development Department at Statistics Sweden and retired Professor at the Department of Statistics, Stockholm University.
He is currently affiliated with Inizio, a research firm in Sweden, and is the founder of the Journal of Official Statistics (JOS) where he served as Chief Editor for 25 years.
Lyberg was a long-standing member of the ESS Methods Advisory Board and previously its chair. He is also currently chairing the AAPOR-WAPOR task force into comparative surveys.
Francesca Borgonovi is a Senior Analyst at the OECD, currently working at the Strength through Diversity Team.
She co-authored a recent report – The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background – that included use of ESS data.
Prior to this, she was responsible for data analysis and analytical work in the OECD‘s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) teams.
ESS ERIC Director Professor Rory Fitzgerald commented: “We are delighted that so many scholars from across Europe and the world have shown their interest in the ESS by submitting abstracts for the 4th International ESS conference.
“Not only does this underline the academic excellence associated with the ESS it also highlights how findings from the survey are directly releated to the grand societal challenges facing Europe and the wider world.”
The conference organising committee – led by ESS colleagues at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences – have arranged discounted rates at three nearby hotels.
For more information, visit the conference section of our website
To register to attend the conference, visit the GESIS website