Call for Ethics Committee members
The European Social Survey European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS ERIC) is looking to appoint three external members to its revised Research Ethics Committee.
The Committee is responsible for providing the ERIC with advice on ethical issues and providing ethical approval for research undertaken or commissioned directly by the ESS.
This includes questionnaire pre-testing in each survey round as well as any new data collection projects, such as the CROss-National Online Survey (CRONOS) panel, part of the Synergies for Europe’s Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences (SERISS) project.
New questions proposed for each round of the survey will also be submitted to the Research Ethics Committee prior to the finalisation of the source questionnaire.
Outside of formal applications for ethical approval, the ESS Director may wish to consult the Committee for advice on ethical matters.
It is anticipated that around 3-4 applications for ethical approval will be submitted for approval during each two-year survey life cycle.
Membership of the Committee will be comprised of the ESS ERIC Data Protection Officer, one member of the ESS Methods Advisory Board, one member of the ESS Scientific Advisory Board, one National Coordinator and three successful external applicants.
Members will serve for a four year term (renewable).
The appointments will be made on the basis of relevant experience and will take into account the need to maintain an overall balance across the Research Ethics Committee in terms of gender and geographic representation.
To apply, please submit a CV and short covering letter (maximum two sides of A4) outlining your suitability for the post. This should include information on areas of research expertise, any previous experience of serving on ethics boards and any relevant training or qualifications in research ethics.
Applications should be submitted via email. Please mark the email “ESS ERIC REC Application”.