Upcoming call for online panel questions
In March 2021, the European Social Survey (ESS) will be inviting applications to design a set of questions to be fielded on a cross-national online panel during 2022.
Successful applicants will be able to develop 15-20 survey questions on a single topic or theme, which would be included on the panel.
This online survey will be fielded in 12 countries (Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Finland, France, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom).
It represents a unique opportunity to be part of Europe’s first large scale probability-based, high-quality online panel that aims to represent the online population.
The CROss-National Online Survey-2 (CRONOS-2) panel is a developmental activity aiming to build expertise in cross-national online data collection. It builds on the success of the pioneering CRONOS panel, implemented in three countries – Estonia, Great Britain and Slovenia – during 2016-18.
The data from the panel will be linked to data from our main questionnaire at the individual level and will be released to the scientific community without privileged access.
We will be inviting applications for cross-sectional or longitudinal proposals to be included in waves 4 and 5 of the panel (2022). More details will be published on our website in March.
Question module proposals already chosen for inclusion in earlier waves of the panel were selected in November 2020.
The web panel is funded by the European Commission as part of the Horizon 2020 project, ESS-SUSTAIN-2 (grant agreement number 871063).