Is President Trump’s ‘deep state’ the same as Mills’s ‘power elite’? by third year student Gabriella Storrar-Patricio There are similarities between the two theories. Mills wrote that the power elite refers to “those political, economic, and military circles, which as an intricate set of overlapping small but dominant groups share decisions having at least national […]
Posts in the Student Spotlight category:
Student Spotlight: What Does America Stand For In the World?
This week’s Student Spotlight is a think piece from Rupert Gibson from IPM113: US Foreign Policy. It’s got punch! Congratulations Rupert! What America stands for in theory and praxis are almost diametrically opposed, as whilst in writing the US stands for ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’, in reality it practices exceptionalism and imperialism […]
Student Spotlight: How Has China’s Foreign Policy Changed Since Xi Jinping Became President in 2013?
The student spotlight reignites with this new piece from Albert Bischoff examining leadership in the People’s Republic of China. It was written for IP1040: Studying Politics and is great example of analysis from a first year City student. Congratulations Albert! We accept submissions to the Student Spotlight at China’s foreign affairs prior to Xi […]