Goodbye COCAPP, Hello COCAPP-A!

Well, after an extremely busy period in which we completed data collection, analysis, and writing up the draft final report in what must be record time, we’ve now submitted our final, final report to our wonderful funders at the NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research programme. To say that the COCAPP project has been a labour of love would be an understatement. We’ve faced some real challenges, which have only been overcome by the sheer grit, hard work and dedication to the project shown by the team. We look forward to sharing our findings with you.

In addition to wrapping up COCAPP, we’ve been busy, beavering away to get COCAPP’s sister project up and running. COCAPP-A, as the new project is known, is focusing on recovery-focused care planning and coordination in acute mental health settings. We’re hoping that by exploring care planning in inpatient, as well as in community settings, that we’ll be able to build a comprehensive picture of how the system is working for service users, carers and staff across England and Wales. Our roving researchers have been out and about collecting data, and we’ve so far received a wonderful welcome from the staff, service users and carers who’ve been involved, so a huge thank you goes out to them!

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