
The Collaborating in Pregnancy and Early Years (COPE) Project

Author Archives: Ryc Aquino

News – 01 December 2016


A warm hello and welcome to our December news update!

We’ve been rather busy in the lead up to the holiday season, and we are happy to announce that we have now completed recruitment and data collection for the women’s study. As such, the call for participants is now officially closed. Thank you to all of you who have helped us throughout this work. We are also excited to report that findings from this study, entitled New mothers’ views on continuity of care provided by midwives and health visitors, have been presented at the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine conference (Hilton Hotel, Cardiff, Wales), and we will share more with you in due course.

In regards to the midwife/health visitor interview study, we are still looking for midwives to take part in this research. So far we have reached 67% of our target, and we’ve still got quite a way to go. Again, we ask for your support in telling friends and colleagues about this research, which aims to explore the experiences of midwives and health visitors of working in partnership or being in contact with each other.

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Finally, we would like to extend our thanks to Joy Murray (University of the West of England) for including our systematic review article in the September 2016 Research Roundup of the Journal of Health Visiting. We are very happy to know that this work is reaching many different groups – we hope that you will also get in touch to ask us questions, or give us comments on our review.


May you all have a wonderful festive season, and we look forward to sharing and developing more exciting activities and work in the upcoming year!


-Team COPE

News – 04 November 2016


Hello and welcome to the November news update!

We’ve made some great progress on the midwife/health visitor collaboration study, thanks to all of you who have supported us throughout! It’s been a privilege to hear everyone’s stories so far. Recruitment for the health visitor interviews has now come to an end (we reached 106% of our target number of participants – THANK YOU!); however, we are still seeking midwives to share their views of working in partnership or being in contact with health visitors in delivering maternity services in the handover/postnatal period. To participate, click here. Midwives’ information page is here. A gentle reminder that when disseminating information about this study, please remember to refrain from sharing via NHS routes/settings (including NHS intranet), in line with our ethical approvals. Sharing via personal contacts/networks and social media is highly encouraged. Remember to use the hashtag #COPEProject when posting on social media. ?

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We are also delighted to inform you that the women’s views study is now in its final stages. Please click here for further information on how to take part. As a small thank you, you will receive a £5 Amazon voucher at the end of the interview. To participate, click here.

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In other news, we’re happy to report that our systematic review article has been featured on the RCNi Primary Health Care journal (Volume 26, No. 9)! Professor Vari Drennan included this in her section, Journal Scan. Access the latest issue by clicking the photo below:


As ever, we welcome your feedback and questions – do not hesitate to email us:! We look forward to hearing from you.

Until next month,

News – 01 October 2016


Hello and welcome to the October news update!

We are delighted to inform you that we’ve expanded our recruitment for the women’s views study, which means we are looking for more mothers (18 and over), who have had a baby in the last 12 months to share their views and experiences of continuity of care as provided by midwives and health visitors in England. A massive thank you to all who have taken part so far. As a small thank you, you will receive a £5 Amazon voucher at the end of the interview. To participate, click here. For more information, click here.

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The interview study with midwives and health visitors aiming to explore their views and experiences of working in partnership with each other in maternity services in England & Wales is still ongoing. We’ve interviewed 16 midwives and health visitors (in total) so far, and we are still looking for more participants for this study! We are especially interested in hearing from midwives and health visitors in Wales. A huge thank you to all who have taken part so far, and have supported the #COPEProject by way of sharing information about this study. To be eligible to take part, you will need to be a currently registered and practising midwife or health visitor. To participate, click here. Midwives’ information page is here, and health visitors’ information page is here. A gentle reminder that when disseminating information about this study, please remember to refrain from sharing via NHS routes/settings (including NHS intranet), in line with our ethical approvals. Sharing via personal contacts/networks and social media is highly encouraged. Remember to use the hashtag #COPEProject when posting on social media. 🙂

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Last September, Prof Ros Bryar and Ryc Aquino attended the 4th International Global Network of Public Health Nursing Conference, held in Legoland, Billund, Denmark, where they represented Team COPE! Our project was well-received and we are very grateful for everyone’s support. Below are some photographs from the conference:

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As ever, we welcome your feedback and questions – do not hesitate to email us:! We look forward to hearing from you.

Until November,

News – 01 September 2016


Hello and welcome to the September news update!

Since August, we have interviewed 17 women regarding their views and experiences of continuity of care as provided by midwives and health visitors in England. Thank you to all who have taken part so far, and just to let you know that there are still places for women over 18 who have had a child in the last 12 months to participate. As a small thank you, you will receive a £5 Amazon voucher at the end of the interview. To participate, click here. For more information, click here.

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Second, the interview study with midwives and health visitors aiming to explore their views and experiences of working in partnership with each other in maternity services in England & Wales is well underway. We’ve interviewed 12 midwives and health visitors (in total) so far, and we are still looking for more participants for this study! We thank all those who have taken part so far, and have lent their support by way of sharing information about this study. To be eligible to take part, you will need to be a currently registered and practising midwife or health visitor. To participate, click here. Midwives’ information page is accessible here, and health visitors’ information page is accessible here. A gentle reminder that when disseminating information about this study, please remember to refrain from sharing via NHS routes/settings (including NHS intranet), in line with our ethical approvals. Sharing via personal contacts/networks and social media is highly encouraged.


Finally, we have news about the systematic review on midwife and health visitor collaboration! This study has now been published as an article in the International Journal of Nursing Studies. To access the full text, click here. This review concluded that collaboration between midwives and health visitors is deemed valuable, however it is faced with many challenges from the individual level (e.g. poor communication), to the organisational or systemic level (e.g. geographical distance). We are also very excited to announce that this will be presented at the Global Network of Public Health Nursing conference in Billund, Denmark, in late September. Please do contact us with comments or questions about this study.


As ever, thank you for your continued support!

-Team COPE

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