
The Collaborating in Pregnancy and Early Years (COPE) Project

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June 2020



We were fortunate to win funding from Public Health England recently to help them develop guidance on transfer of care between midwifery and health visiting. This project is keeping us busy, and we hope to speak to practitioners around the country this month to identify good practice regarding this transfer of care.  If you know of good local examples of transfer of care between midwifery and health visiting services, we would love to hear from you, please email

July 2019


A quick summer update

We had several papers published in the last few months, please see our research output page. These papers discuss women’s experiences of continuity of information as provided by midwives and health visitors and women’s views on the antenatal contact provided by health visitors.

December 2018



The website has recently been updated with some of our new publications – 2018 has been a busy year. See our Research Output page for details on our work on incorporating health visiting into the midwifery curriculum.  We have several projects related to midwifery and health visitor training currently, so check in regularly for updates. This year, we also published a paper on an evaluation of training for healthcare professionals to work more collaboratively. This evaluation used workshop observations, interviews and surveys to capture both the interaction during the workshop and effect of the workshop afterwards.

News – 02 November 2017


Hello everyone and welcome to the November update!

This last month has been relatively quiet… However, some good news, I’ve submitted my PhD thesis! This means that I will be leaving Team COPE, which is sad, but it has been lovely to see the project grow. I wanted to extend my thanks to all those who have been involved in my PhD research throughout the last 3 years and of course my excellent supervisory team. It has been a pleasure to work with everyone on the team and our external collaborators. I look forward to sharing the outputs from the PhD research in due course.

Ta ta for now!

News – 01 October 2017


Hello and welcome to the October update!

In September members of the team presented various papers relating to the COPE project in a number of conferences. Ellinor presented two posters at the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology conference (York), entitled “Thinking outside the box: Health visitors’ views of enablers to successful collaboration with midwives”, and “Women’s experiences and views of the continuity of information received and shared by midwives and health visitors”. Ryc presented a talk at the Division of Health Psychology conference (Cardiff), entitled, “‘People call them corridor moments don’t they?’ Barriers and enablers to midwife-health visitor collaboration using the Theoretical Domains Framework”.

We are happy to announce that Ellinor will be presenting a poster at the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine conference on the combined findings concerning midwife-health visitor collaboration in December.

Until then,
– Team COPE

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