Monthly Archives For July 2011

CitySpace Obituary: Olivia Fox

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Olivia Fox is a Learning Development Consultant in the LDC: “Aaah CitySpace – so many memories! I started working in E-Learning Services as a Support Officer in 2005 and a large part of my role…

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CitySpace Obituary: Julie Attenborough

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Julie Attenborough, Head of the Educational Development Unit, School of Community and Health Sciences Though much maligned over the years I retain a strange fondness for CitySpace. A bit like a first encounter (clunky, unsatisfying)it…

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Pecha Kucha PART 2

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I was skeptical of presenting Higher Education research in a Pecha Kucha format (see here) but has my experience of presenting in the format in the recent ECE11 conference changed how I feel? First of…

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CitySpace Obituary: Neal Sumner

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Here are Neal’s CitySpace memories: CitySpace obituary 9.59 on January 5th 2004 and the clocks are ticking loudly in the 4 Drysdale computer labs where 250 silent students are sitting expectantly at their terminals waiting…

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Innovation Creativity and Leadership – Research and Practice

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Innovation Creativity and Leadership – Research and Practice                    13th June 2011 Archived abstracts and slides: This event showcased a diverse range of research and activity in this field.  It very successfully met its…

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Mark Brown

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Mark Brown: A Story of Hype and Hope: Breaking Free from the Technology Bungy          5th July 2011 During a recent visit to the UK from Massey University, New Zealand, Mark kindly stopped off at City…

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