The UK Higher Education Learning Space Toolkit a joint collaboration between Standing Conference for Heads of Media Services (SCHOMS) ,the Association of University Directors of Estates (AUDE) and UCISA, the Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association.
The toolkit outlines all the major aspects of implementing a learning spaces project and bring together advice from a wide spectrum of professional services staff across the UK who play a key role in such projects. If you are working in a higher education institution or similar and would like to know where to start and the key elements to consider in learning spaces, then please take a look at this guide.
Take a look at the executive summary (PDF) to see if this is the guide you should be reading.
The guide has had some contribution from us in Learning Enhancement and Development and has references to City’s flexible learning spaces, including our page on active and collaboration learning and the learning spaces video (March 2015) and photographs of the flexible learning spaces.
Read the full toolkit here or click the image on the left.
February 12, 2016 10:41 am
just what we need!