CitySpace Obituary: Olivia Fox

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Olivia Fox is a Learning Development Consultant in the LDC:

“Aaah CitySpace ā€“ so many memories! I started working in E-Learning Services as a Support Officer in 2005 and a large part of my role was in supporting staff and students through the CitySpace Helpdesk. I was kept busy trying to resolve staff and student queries, setting up staff accounts and creating new modules. On the Helpdesk I used to get so many panicked queries around browser configuration when students were submitting their assignments online.


I was also responsible for updating the Teaching and Learning Online module which was available for all staff to support the effective use of CitySpace. I was happily updating the module with lots of PowerPoints and handouts from the ELS Breakfast sessions when my line manager Anise noticed that Iā€™d not been using the File Manager to organise my resources into folders and had created a long unmanageable list of resources. I got a stern talking to about the importance of using the file manager. I think there may even have been a raised voice. But this has stood me well as I have been able to easily export my content from CitySpace. I have used these wise words (without the raised voice) from Anise when introducing staff to the CitySpace file manager. So thanks Anise J”


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