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The Walking Reading Group and Beyond

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The highly successful Walking Reading Group, facilitated by Lydia Ashman, Ania Bas and Simone Mair, finished it’s current iteration of walks with a flurry of activity this month.  Events included a suite of walks in Bilbao,…

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A toe in the waters

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Last month, I attended my first conference for the Association of Learning Technologists (ALTc), held at the University of Warwick. Not only was it my first ALTc, but probably also the first time to significantly…

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Walking Reading Group

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As part of further exploring walking and learning as an educational tool, I joined an East London Walking Reading Group on Participation.  Across four free events, groups of interested people, often participants have arts or…

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BETT 2014

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I spent yesterday at BETT  (the British Educational Training and Technology Show).  BETT is a giant exhibition for vendors of Educational Technologies.  I went along with colleagues from IS and PAF to investigate classroom technologies.  This…

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