If you were to ask me ‘how can we enhance the student experience?’, the first thing I’d do is debunk the concept entirely. The ‘student experience’ is generic, its broad brush painting the idea of…
Posts By James Perkins
Principles of Engagement: A Student Engagement Conversation
On the 27th November, I attended a ‘Student Engagement Conversation’ event hosted by The Student Engagement Partnership (TSEP). TSEP are a joint venture, funded predominantly by the National Union of Students and Higher Education Funding…
Students and Agency: How we get employability wrong
A driving force in the HE sector at the moment is employability. The Higher Education Academy notes: ‘A common theme across HE policy and funding throughout the UK is the need to ensure that graduates…
Partnership in Practice at the University of Lincoln
On the 24th October, I attended the University of Lincoln’s KICKSTART Conference. Focusing on students as partners (or in the case of Lincoln’s nomenclature, co-producers), the conference highlighted some exciting work going on. Further to…
The economy of undergraduate education
Earlier this month, I visited Birmingham City University to hear about the great work they have been doing around engaging students in learning and teaching, and whilst the entire day was incredibly useful one phrase…
RAISE your expectations of student engagement
Sometimes I go to conferences and worry that I’ll be bored witless, that I’ll come away with buzzwords and platitudes. But at the fourth Researching, Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement conference, I found a communtiy….