Looking for creative teaching activities? Encourage students to work collaboratively and motivate each others’ learning, to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. Take a look at the group work…
Tagged By group work
Group Work in City’s Learning Spaces: using mobile learning and flexible spaces to promote reflection and discussion
Why? Think-Group-Share creates an engaging moment in lesson that capitalises on discussion and reflection and has a positive impact on student understanding and performance (Habel and Stubbs, 2014). Technique This activity is a modified…
Group Work in City’s Learning Spaces – Icebreaker Activities
Looking for creative teaching activities? Encourage students to work collaboratively and motivate each others learning, to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. Take a look at the group work…
Group Work in City’s Learning Spaces – Buzz Groups and Snowballs
Looking for creative teaching activities? Encourage students to work collaboratively and motivate each others learning, to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. Take a look at the group work…
Group Work in City’s Learning Spaces – Debating and Presentations
Looking for creative teaching activities? Encourage students to work collaboratively and motivate each others learning, to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. Take a look at the group work…
Active Learning in Flexible Learning Spaces
Over the past year you may have found yourself in one of the University’s new flexible learning spaces. These rooms have been designed by the Learning Spaces Group, with a membership made up of academics,…