Tagged By moodle 2.6

Moodle Induction Video

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Audience: City University students and staff. New to City University London? Using Moodle for the first time? Have a look at  Moodle Induction Video which is now available. This video provides an introduction to City’s…

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Moodle 2.6 Top Tips

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Audience: City University staff Moodle guidance The Educational Technology Team are continuing to update the Moodle guidance on www.city.ac.uk/edtechhelp/staff. This post highlights a selection of the top tips from our Educational Technology Team so that…

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Updating your Moodle modules

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Audience: City University staff Moodle guidance The Educational Technology Team are continuing to update the Moodle guidance on www.city.ac.uk/edtechhelp/staff. This post highlights the guidance that you can use to help you develop your modules post-rollover….

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Moodle 2.6 Guidance Continued

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Audience: City University staff Moodle guidance The Educational Technology Team are continuing to update the Moodle guidance on www.city.ac.uk/edtechhelp/staff. We have marked guidance on new features with a NEW! to help you identify changes to…

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