City Sociology

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Call for papers: Online youth event

To mark the European Union’s European Year of Youth, the European Social Survey (ESS) has announced a call for papers for an online conference on Wednesday 7 December 2022.

The call is aimed at those who have undertaken research using our data with a specific focus on young respondents (aged 15-35). Comparisons with older respondents are also encouraged to provide context.

Papers that use data from other cross-national surveys that include younger respondents like the EVS and GGP in combination with the ESS are also welcome.

The webinar will include up to five presentations lasting 30 minutes each followed by a round table discussion. Those wishing to participate in the event should submit an abstract by Friday 30 September.

The European Commission, in cooperation with the European Parliament and member states, designated 2022 as the European Year of Youth.

Over 3,500 events have been held globally to honour, support and encourage young people, and promote opportunities for them.

The research presented at our event will include substantial analysis of ESS data, using any round on any topic, with a specific focus on data collected from young people.

We are particularly interested in research that aligns with the European Commission’s 2019-24 priorities, focusing on climate change, the economy, democracy and Europe in the digital age.

Another Commission priority – Promoting our European way of life – includes policy areas around education, health and wellbeing, discrimination and gender equality and immigration.

Papers on other areas covered by our survey will also be considered: crime and justice, human values, identity, government, media, political values and participation, religion, social inequality, social trust and welfare.

Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words (including up to three keywords) and should describe the research undertaken and an outline of the presentation.

The deadline for abstracts is Friday 30 September. Abstracts should be sent to

This call is now closed.


call for papersdataEuropeEuropean Social Surveysurvey

Stefan Swift • July 21, 2022

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