Using User Data – User Journey

What is user journey?

An illustration of the steps a user takes to complete a task.

Why should I use a user journey?

  1. User journeys are great way to communicate what you are trying to achieve with stakeholders.
  2. User journeys can help you work out how users are going to interact with your system and what they expect from it.

What I learnt fromĀ using user journey?

1.User journeys areĀ visual representations of how users achieve goals in their existing circumstances; does not cover all possible sequences.

2. User Journeys shows interactions with different touchpoints; does not describe them in detail.

Example 1: User Journey

Information Architecture Assignment










I used Lucidchart for the creation of the above user journey, which was submitted for the information architecture assignment.

What is in a user journey?

(Wilson 2016, Lecture 4 Slides)



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