First meeting of Gender & Sexualities Research Forum
We are delighted to invite interested PhD students and academics to the first meeting of the Gender & Sexualities Research Forum at City
WHEN: Monday 24th March at 4 pm
WHERE: Room D427, 4th floor Social Sciences Building
Dr Lia Litosseliti : “Gender and Language: Around the Field in 40 Minutes”
Dr Lia Litosseliti is Senior Lecturer in Linguistics, Language and Communication Science at City University London. Lia has been teaching and writing on gender and language/ discourse for nearly 20 years. She is the author of the books Using Focus Groups in Research (2003) and Gender and Language: Theory and Practice (2006); editor of Research Methods in Linguistics (2010); and co-editor, with colleagues, of Gender Identity and Discourse Analysis (2002), Gender and Language Research Methodologies (2008) and Gender and Language in African Contexts (2013). Lia is currently President of the International Gender and Language Association (IGALA), Associate Editor of the Gender and Language journal, and reviewer on gender and language for a range of funding bodies and journals.
The talk will be followed by the opportunity to meet the other members, and discuss interests and ideas over a glass of wine and nibbles!
Please RSVP by email:
***Gender & Sexualities Research Forum at City. This new research forum brings together PhD students and academics from a range of disciplines, departments and schools across the university with an interest in the broad fields of gender and sexuality studies. We offer a friendly, yet critically engaged, intellectual space for sharing and discussing ideas, research interests, agendas and outputs. In addition, we aim to provide a stimulating arena for the development of cross-disciplinary linkages, new research projects and collaborations.