The news feed from the Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London

REACT: Cultural economy hub

Andy Pratt is Deputy Director of the AHRC funded Creative Works London (CWL) project on knowledge exchange and the cultural economy. AHRC funded 4 hubs in the UK at £4m each for 4 years, and they are now reporting results. Andy spoke on two panels at the wrap up of the Bristol hub REACT in November: one on which he reported on findings from CWL; the other on innovation and creativity . As with all the projects, they teamed academic work, and art and cultural practice: the event was ‘The Rooms’ and along side two panels that Andy spoke on, unique art installations (each in a room) were displayed: an innovative approach to dissemination of findings. The day was captured in an creative ‘instant book publishing’ experiment. The result is available here. CWL winds up mid-2015, and a festival will be arranged to display its collaborations and findings.Creativeworks logo red stacked

sbbk273 • December 11, 2015

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