The news feed from the Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London

How can we create more just and less unequal creative cities? 6th September 17hs

All invited to this open panel hosted by the Centre for Culture & the Creative Industries, Department of Sociology, City, University of London, and funded by the British Academy (Rising Star Engagement Award: Dr Cecilia Dinardi). For speakers’ information and to sign up visit:

City, University of London, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB
Tuesday 6th September 2016 17.00-19.00

All guests are invited to an afternoon tea from 4.15pm before the main event

The promotion of ‘creative cities’ has become the latest trend in global urbanism, championed by international agencies and celebrated by local governments across the world. This creative turn in urban policy development, however, is problematic because of the economic focus of most policies and debates on creativity, the instrumental use of a culture and creativity rhetoric for city branding, and the challenges posed by the different institutional frameworks and diverse contexts in which cities operate. As part of the British Academy-funded engagement events Urban Cultural Policy and Creativity: A Platform for Creative-City Exchanges between Policy and Academic Communities, this international panel will offer global South-global North exchanges on alternative models of creative economy and state-civic society collaboration in the creative field, reflecting on how we can create more just and less unequal creative cities.

Ana Wortman (Professor, University of Buenos Aires, cultural policy expert, Argentina)
Francisco D’Almeida (Cultural development expert and international consultant, Togo)
John Newbigin (Chairman of Creative England)
Luiz Antônio Gouveia de Oliveira (Culture Ministry policymaker, Brazil)
Mamou Daffe (Cultural entrepreneur, Mali)

Andy Pratt (Professor of Culture and Economy, City, University of London)

Cecilia Dinardi (Urban Studies Postdoctoral Research Fellow, City, University of London)

sbbd977 • September 1, 2016

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