The news feed from the Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London

Ros gives keynote at Cambridge University

CCI’s Rosalind Gill gave the closing keynote at the Politics of Beauty conference at the University of Cambridge on September 3rd, focussing on her work on mobile phone apps concerned with monitoring, improving and surveilling appearance.  The keynote closed an excellent – and truly transnational and interdisciplinary  – event in which other speakers  includedMimi Nguyen, Sarah Banet Weiser, and Meeta Rani Jha.

Ros was talking about the politics of appearance again later in the month, when she gave the opening keynote at a conference at the University of Hamburg on Images of the Body. Her lecture set the tone for a conference concerned with the intensification of  body image pressures, accentuated through celebrity culture and Instagram. Ros unpicked the contradictory features of a moment in which women and girls are constantly called on to “love your body” but also repeatedly incited to hate it too.

sbbk273 • October 20, 2016

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