Andy in Aarhus: European Capital of Culture
Andy visited the current European Capital of Culture (Aarhus, Denmark) last week; further material to insert in the modules that Andy teaches on Creative Cities. He was fortunate to experience great weather, the high points were the visit to ARos the contemporary art museum with the spectacular ‘spectrum halo’ on the top of the building (see picture); and second, Dokk1, the largest library in Scandinavia which is a great example of a new library as a social, economic and cultural hub.
Andy’s reason for being there was to address the Committee of Culture, Science, Education and Media; sub-committee on Culture , Diversity and Heritage of the Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe. Andy has been invited by the Earl of Dundee to write a report on the value of cultural heritage in a democratic society for the committee; it will pay particular attention to economic and social aspects of culture and the creative industries. Andy presented an outline plan of the report. The session was led by the Mayor, and the CEO of the ECoC Aarhus.