The news feed from the Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London

Successful launch of the CCCI (now!) annual event series to celebrate Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

To celebrate UNESCO World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, the Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London curated  a series of free events, from masterclasses to screenings.

From Senegal to Singapore: creative spaces in a globalised world

The series of events gathered a range of international experts from across the fields of culture and creative industries to showcase and share their experiences of developing spaces for arts and creativity in their countries. Bringing together experts and the public, these events were reflective and interactive spaces to explore and exchange ideas on areas such as culture, policy and management.

Those with an interest in how creative spaces are being carved out in a globalised world found these events offered a great chance to hear stories from all around the world, as well as network and gather with peers. The series began on Wednesday 8th May and ran until Tuesday 4th June with events taking place at City, University of London as well as outside university, welcoming audience members from all over London.

The series included a Masterclass: ‘Journal Rappé: Hip Hop, Digital Media & Public Service in Senegal by hip hop artist Keyti; a Rosemary Crompton Memorial Lecture 2019: ‘Work in the Digital Agewith  Professor Jacqueline O’Reilly (University of Sussex), Drs Jo Littler and Marisol Sandoval (CCCI); a book launch Creative Hubs in Question: Place, Space and Work in the Creative Economy’ (as part of ‘Creative Hubs and Urban Policy: A Symposium on Creative Work and the City’) with Professor Rosalind Gill; a Screening and Discussion: ‘Behring – The Making of an Arts Factory’ (Brazil) with Dr Cecilia Dinardi (ICCE, Goldsmiths University of London); and a Critical Conversation: ‘Art Spaces and Creative Clusters in Singaporewith Dr Su Fern Hoe (Singapore Management University).

The rendez-vous is now taken for next year for another month of celebration of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development!

sbgd278 • June 5, 2019

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