Andy, Jiun-Yi and Ana in Seoul
CCI was present in Seoul in force for the biennial International Conference on Cultural Policy and Research. (July 6-9).The conference was attended by about 300 international scholars and policy makers. Juin-Yi, Andy’s first year PhD student, gave a well received paper on his research on cultural clusters in Taiwan (very brave for a year 1 PhD student to give a paper at an international conference: well done!). Ana gave a paper on the EU policy history, focusing on 1977 and the first cultural policy. Andy gave a paper on the current and future challenges to cultural policy making in a post ‘welfare state’ model of cultural policy making. The conference was held at Sookmyung Women’s University, and a number of field trips and formal events were held. The most striking was the formal conclusion at the Zaha Hadid designed Design Plaza (as illustrated in photo).