Janet gave paper and organized two panels at RGS in London
At this year Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society’s (with IBG) Janet presented a paper and organized two panels. The conference ran from Wednesday 31 August to Friday 2 September, 2016 at the Royal Geographical Society, London and was attended by more than 900 scholars. Together with Vasilis Avdikos (Panteion University, Greece), she organized two paper sessions on ‘Co-working the city: New infrastructures of creative collaboration in cities’ and gave a presentation on ‘Curating Encounters: How co-working hosts curate collaboration’. Additionally, Janet hosted a paper session on ‘Artistic Interventions: Artists as policy-makers in urban cultural policy’ with Friederike Landau, Technical University Berlin (Center for Metropolitan Studies). The session aimed to combine debates on arts-related and creative activism, urban cultural policy, cultural governance and creative cities to explore the role of artists and cultural producers in contemporary urban politics and policy-making processes.