Post-communist creative work
Ros Gill and Andy Pratt have been involved in a research mentoring project on “Post-communist creative work” in a project co-ordinated by Dr Ana Alacovska based at Copenhagen Business School. The main aim of the project is to investigate the subjective experiences of and the emotional responses to creative work in the post-communist Balkans, namely in Macedonia and Albania. Researchers have carried out over one hundred interviews with artists and Andy and Ros are advising the team on the analysis and dissemination of the work. Andy and Ros visited Ohrid in Southern Macedonia in the week of July 6th. The meetings were in the ancient city of Ohrid located on the shores of Lake Ohrid, the town and the lake are a UNESCO World Heritage site (see picture). The research is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the University of Freibourg and the Western Balkans Regional Research Promotion Programme.