Market research databases

We have some great market research databases here at City. These databases are commercial resources, rather than strictly educational or academic, and contain the same industry, company, and country reports, statistics and news as a professional subscriber would see. Companies use them to understand how to target particular groups of consumers, become more competitive, and inform commercial decisions about brand positioning and strategy. You can use them to look up statistics about consumers, products, and demographics; read current overviews of particular industries either globally or in specific regions and countries; identify risk in particular areas; find financials, written reports and SWOT analyses for public companies; identify commercial trends; discover insights about particular companies and countries, including PESTLE analyses; and investigate market sizes and shares. One database even has a whole dataset devoted to the size, shape and materials of packaging products and closures.

You can find our suite of market research resources on the Business School Library Guides under Market Research. Here are some highlights:

  • Marketline Advantage: international collection of reports covering: industries by country and region, companies, country and risk, value and supply chain analysis, analyst insights, and even some M&A deals reporting. There’s long-form thematic reports about cutting edge topics and case studies focused on particular products and concepts, too.
  • Euromonitor Passport: use it to monitor consumer industry trends around the world, covering strategic analysis, market and demographic data, and even packaging information.
  • IBISWorld: UK, UK, Chinese and Global industry research reports. Really detailed reporting with industry performance stats, products and markets overview, a competitive outlook section and more. Each UK report has a Brexit Impact Statement,  COVID-19 and Brexit COVID-19 impact tools  are available for Excel, too.
  • Mintel: UK market research reports from the last two years. Mintel is a huge name in market research, and their reports now also include full survey research data for you to play with.
  • Statista: not strictly a market research database, but it’s really useful. Statista is a huge collection of searchable statistics, from demographics and government statistics to survey results from private companies. You may have used the free version you can find through search engines; sign in through the library for even more content.

If you need help or advice using market research databases, contact

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