Senate House Library – extended opening hours

From Monday 26 September until the end of the academic term, Senate House Library will be extending its opening hours on weekdays and will be open almost all weekend.

On weekdays, the library will open at 9.00 and close at 23.00 hours (instead of 20.45) and at weekends, it will be open on Sundays as well as Saturdays – from 9.45 until 21.00. Overall, this means increasing the library’s access by 40 per cent.

Under new arrangements, the library will offer a ‘self-service’ facility during the extended opening hours, with access for current members only. Joining or re-registering for membership will only be possible when the library is staffed – until 8.45pm on weekdays and 5.15pm on Saturdays. It is unstaffed on Sundays. However, users will be able to do most things, including borrowing and returning books, and printing or photocopying documents.

Senate House has a large range of electronic resources, see further information about Senate House membership.

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