Harzing.com is an extensive website created by Prof. Anne-Wil Harzing, Professor of International Management at Middlesex University and a founding member of Cygna, Supporting Women in Academic Network.
The website was created in 1999, and it has since been a great source of information for academics, researchers, students, and librarians, regardless of the discipline or specialisation. Prof. Harzing developed also Publish or Perish, a free software that, when installed, effectively extracts citations and other bibliometric information from Google Scholar and other resources. It brings up citations from various and lesser-known publications, so can be used as an addition to Scopus and InCites.
Harzing.com is a treasure trove of articles and blog posts with advice on publishing; from writing an abstract, publishing with a student or avoiding desk reject, improving one’s research profile, teaching, working abroad, just to name a few. These online publications are authored either by Prof. Harzing or guest authors. Additionally, a book series ‘Crafting your career in academia’ was launched recently in 2022. The two titles fresh off the press have been already ordered for the Business Library (subject to availability from our supplier). More to come, so this URL is worth its place in your bookmarks.