Since 2013, we have been offering a patron driven acquisition scheme called Read for Research based on the research interests of our research students, early career researchers and staff doing research at CityLibrary.
- So far we have purchased 1700 print books and 260 e-books through the scheme.
- Very popular across disciplines in the University. The most borrowed books are on general PhD writing and different research methods such as grounded theory. For those interested in exploring research methods further, we also have access to Sage Research Methods Online.
- A reading list of titles is being compiled which indicates the breadth of research done at City.
- A visual display of titles can be found on our Research guide.
- See our #readforresearch and @Citylibresearch on Twitter and see feedback from our research students on their choice of titles and on Read for Research. Feedback includes : “Highly recommend
#readforresearch – have ordered loads of fantastic books!” “I requested a book through your fantastic Read for Research scheme. The book has now arrived in the library. Thank you for this” “Big thanks to @CityUniLibrary #readforresearch scheme, which has helped keep my reading up to date”. - The furthest distance travelled by a Read for Research (Law) book is probably a title ordered from Australia.
- City research students & staff can order titles by simply completing the Read for Research webform and use #readforresearch to discuss their choices.
- Read for Research was mentioned in a book called Practical tips for facilitating research by Moira Bent as an exemplar of good practice.
Looking for research inspiration in the summer? Come and visit our changing Read for Research book displays during June- August 2019 on level 5 of the Northampton Square Library