Developing an online identity with social media

Everyone to a greater or lesser extent has an online identity or digital presence. Try doing a Google search for yourself or your colleagues and see what yours is.  We can influence our digital presence by using certain social media tools.

See our useful Social media guide at:

Twitter  is useful for  current awareness and keeping up to date.  You can also use it to get instant feedback on your ideas or use it to meet other researchers and hear about research funding  and projects and conferences.  You could follow key researchers in your field or useful organisations hear about new products and services.

Joining LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network allows you to create a network of colleagues and professionals in your field from whom you can seek advice  and  stay in touch with past and present colleagues .  It may also assist with career development and job hunting.  Also, if people search for you on Google, your profile on LinkedIn will often be at the top of the search results, thus increasing your visibility.

Blogging or keeping a blog  is similar to keeping an online journal which allows you to communicate your thoughts. Blogs can be private for your own research ideas or public to communicate with other researchers, colleagues or friends, They can be used to develop your online presence, enhance your research reputation, promote services, reflect on events, build up networks and to communicate ideas.   Various blogging tools are available such as WordPress Blogger or Tumblr.

This is a WordPress blog (other ones are available), it is free of charge to set up and blogging is an enjoyable activity. If you haven’t blogged before, why not try it today?

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