Monthly Archives For March 2013

New Models for Teaching in HE Working Group

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At City University, London we are developing more and more flexible learning spaces.  Increasingly academics are using pedagogic models that enhance learning by utilising the learning technologies we have and focus on interactivity, collaboration and…

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Node chair


This is a node chair Move the tray around Put your bag underneath Put your laptop on the tray Move around to… …work in pairs… …or small groups… …in rows… …or a u-shape…  …or any…

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Squiggle glass

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This is squiggle glass Squiggle on it using whiteboard or neon board marker pens Squiggle glass is magnetic Put up paper using magnets… …add post-it notes… …and squiggles Project an image using the pod… …annotate…

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Lego fan from Finland

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This is Outi Kortekangas-Savolainen, Head of the Centre for Medical Education at the University of Turku, Finland admiring the lego blocks we use as time sheets in our office to record our work with schools….

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