Monthly Archives For July 2013

Laptop Lockers

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AG24B is a flexible learning space complete with a number of colourful node chairs that can be moved around the room as well as large stretches of squiggle glass on the walls.  The room is…

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EGPR Project: Video Promotion

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I was recently involved in videoing the European Global Product Realisation (EGPR) final workshop with Stef Smith. The project is an excellent example of collaboration. This year it involved five international universities who joined forces…

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Moodle 2 on the move

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Moodle 2 has gone mobile.The increased use of handheld and portable devices, along with the widespread use of wireless networking, means that structured learning opportunities are becoming an “any time, anywhere” enterprise. These devices can…

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Write On Paint

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This wall has been painted with write on paint Write on it with whiteboard markers   Write on a small space… …or write all over the wall Capture your work by taking a photo Wipe…

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