Meet the Blended Learning Theme
From left to right back row: Thomas Hanley, Simon Kemp, Olivia Fox and Connie Tse.
From left to right front row: Lisa Baker and Annora Eyt-Dessus.
Blended Learning is increasing in popularity as an effective way to meet diverse learner requirements and offer increased flexibility for students through the integration of resources and activities in an online environment with face-to-face teaching.
The Blended Learning Theme works with academics and professional staff providing expert advice and guidance in combining online elements with face-to-face teaching. We also support staff in evaluating blended learning experiences and we explore new educational tools and techniques.
Educational Technologists in the Blended Learning Theme support academic and professional staff in using our online systems, including Moodle, City Blogs and Turnitin, to implement a range of teaching and learning activities including:
Online module design
- Planning, designing and implementing online modules for different modes of delivery including; web-enhanced, Blended Learning, flipped classroom and distance learning.
- Applying an appropriate learning design framework when designing for online modes of delivery.
Teaching and Learning online
- Developing effective ways to engage students studying online.
- Using Moodle functionality and other online tools to teach and facilitate activities online.
Online Assessment
- Choosing an appropriate online tool to meet assessment and feedback requirements.
- Piloting and implementing an online assessment process.
- Developing processes to support online assessment.
- Developing assessments to design out plagiarism.
- Implementing effective processes and support to use Turnitin in developing sound academic practice.
- Planning and running online quizzes.
System upgrades
The Blended Learning Theme work with colleagues in Professional Services to advise on the implementation and upgrade of online systems. This has included usability testing, gathering and sharing user feedback, and reviewing and making recommendations for the design of Moodle templates.
Guidance and support
We develop guidance and resources to support you and your students in using Moodle, Turnitin and City Blogs. In this self-study module on Moodle, you can review what is new on Moodle 2.6 and undertake a series of activities to help you to get your modules ready for the new academic year. For your students we’ve created an Educational Technology Induction to support students in using educational technology effectively.
The Educational Technology Team works across the three themes of Blended Learning, Multimedia and Learning Spaces.
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