This summer, City’s online platform for educational video – Kaltura Mediaspace – will be getting an update to introduce new features to make video more interactive and more accessible. As part of this update, the…
Latest Posts

Goodbye ‘Educational Vignettes’, hello ‘Learning at City’

Assessment Improvements in Moodle 3

Moodle 3 User Evaluation

School of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning Innovators Event – May 2016

SEDA Spring Teaching and Learning and Assessment Conference 2016 Innovations in Assessment and Feedback Practice 12th -13th May 2016 Edinburgh

5 Things to Do with your Moodle Module

Nursing and Midwifery Education in Togo: needs assessment
Recent Posts
Planned upgrade to Kaltura Mediaspace

Goodbye ‘Educational Vignettes’, hello ‘Learning at City’
After 5 years, almost 500 posts and 300 comments, and over 12,000 unique visitors in the last 12 months alone, this blog is entering a new phase and will now be known as ‘Learning at…

Assessment Improvements in Moodle 3
Assessment and feedback is at the heart of the student experience and there are a number of improvements in Moodle 3 to support online assessment. Activity Results block As well as displaying Quiz results in…

Moodle 3 User Evaluation
Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) and Education Research & Enterprise Services (ERES), facilitated by the expertise of staff at the City Interaction Lab ran a staff user evaluation to feed into developments for Moodle 3….

School of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning Innovators Event – May 2016
Following the success of the 1st Teaching and Learning Innovators Event in January, we as LEaD at SHS put on the 2nd Teaching and Learning Innovators Event on Monday 23rd May 12-1pm, focused around mobile…

SEDA Spring Teaching and Learning and Assessment Conference 2016 Innovations in Assessment and Feedback Practice 12th -13th May 2016 Edinburgh
The conference topic innovations in assessment was clearly a popular choice despite there having been a lot of dissemination of assessment developments over the last decade. It seems that whilst there has been many advances…

5 Things to Do with your Moodle Module
Continuing my series on 5 things to Do with…, this article focuses on 5 Things to do with your Moodle module. These tips have been devised with the help of Neal Sumner, Senior Lecturer in…

Nursing and Midwifery Education in Togo: needs assessment
Thanks to a partnership development grant from the Tropical Health Education Trust (THET) and in collaboration with Vision Togo, a UK-based charity, I recently spent 9 days in Togo, West Africa, with my…

Reaching out to distance learners: using Adobe Connect to broadcast a workshop online
Some City students have said that they find it hard to attend the Academic Learning Support workshops, which are normally run at lunchtime. A number of these students were part-time or distance learners. Whilst we…

Moodle 3 Update 28 June 2016
Moodle will be updated to version 3 on 28th June during the 7-9am maintenance window. Moodle 3 Developments The focus of this year’s update has been on minor improvements to streamline processes around set up…